phx-IT Services

Server Support

Are you looking for server support in the Phoenix metro area that can keep your infrastructure up-to-date and functioning properly? phx-IT has a knowledgeable and trained team of server specialists to support Phoenix business data server needs, from needs-based design and installation, relocation, maintenance, and upgrades to address your company’s data needs. Our expertise and experience can help you determine your needs and tailor an application to best fit your needs.

Server Hardware

Does your business need to operate on an on-site or cloud-based external server? Proper server integration will feel seamless, but it requires careful consideration of the workload needs and modifications to the software and network protocols to optimize performance and efficiency. phx-IT can help you determine which approach is most appropriate for your data needs and configure a data server for uninterrupted integration with your company’s workflow. Additionally, our proactive monitoring and data backup solutions ensure your data is kept secure and available when you need to access it.

Server Installation and Relocation

phx-IT will begin the installation on-site at your place of business once the data server’s design, specifications, and components have been finalized. Our team of highly-trained server specialists will complete the installation in a timely and professional manner, relieving your employees of the hassle and accountability of an intricate and complicated install. 

Is your business growing and finding the need to relocate? phx-IT is here to assist you by taking care of data server relocation. Any modifications or component upgrades needed can be made at the time of the new installation to tailor to your unique needs and environment.

Server Upgrades

As your business grows, so do the needs of the server and resources to support it. Managing tasks can become complicated when you have many employees and multiple programs running at once on an overworked server. When you find that you need more capability than your existing server provides, the phx-IT team of server support IT specialists can help determine where any bottlenecks in throughput might exist. We can then upgrade components or software to alleviate the server’s weaknesses while anticipating and adapting for future needs.

Server Support Service

Managed IT Support Service is a great way to save time, resources, and money on your company’s IT budget. Hiring phx-IT as your Managed Service Provider frees up staff from server support IT duties, allowing them to focus on their primary roles and the company mission. As your MSP, we can proactively manage technical support, server management, and data backup to minimize the risk of issues such as server downtime or data loss.

phx-IT is Here to Design, Maintain, and Support Your Server

Your business’s server needs are as unique as your business itself. When your business grows, so should your server’s capability. phx-IT proudly provides support to Phoenix metro area companies by installing, upgrading, and maintaining their servers. This allows those businesses to focus on their mission and workflow without concern for disruptive downtime.

If your server needs are lacking, we can address them to provide you with the best performance for your business. Give phx-IT a call today!

Image Source:  SeventyFour / Shutterstock

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